OEC 6th edition
The sixth edition is now available and shipping. Get yours now. As many of us will be spending time at home, this would be a perfect time to become acquainted with the new curriculum. This is not just for candidates and instructors. The material here is required of all NSP patrollers.
Click here to learn more about the book and how to order it.
There have been a few minor updates and corrections to the text since the first printing. Please download the corrections here.

Something to Think About: ICS in action
Could this ever happen at your ski area? Do we have machinery on the premises? How about elevated machinery? Lift towers? Here's an interesting article that should get us all thinking: what would I do?
Click on the link to a JEMS article, High-Angle Field Amputation in Oklahoma City (OK), by Carl Cobb, A.J. Heighman, MPA, EMT-P
Updated July 15, 2020
2020 Refresher and Refresher Workbooks
Refresher workbooks were mailed at the beginning of July. A downloadable version is also available online in several places on nsp.org, most easily on the OEC6 page, which is accessible from the Member Homepage.
The NSP National Board of Directors has adopted the following recommendations from the OEC Supervisors Committee and OEC Refresher Committee regarding the OEC 2020 Refresher Cycle A:
The 2020 OEC Refresher Cycle A minimum requirement will consist of completion of the OEC Refresher Workbook and completion of the OEC 2020 Cycle A Refresher Training online portion only. QA will be completed by the assigned Instructor Trainer (IT) by verification of review of the certificates issued upon successful completion of the online modules. Once the IT has cross checked the course roster with the completion certificates, the course can be closed. Registration for OEC 2020 Cycle A Refresher will be as it has been for the past years and everyone taking the online module must also register/enroll in the OEC 2020 Cycle A Refresher.
The OEC 2020 Skills performance (hands-on skills) will be integrated into the OEC 2021 Cycle B refresher. However, all OEC technicians are encouraged to continue to review and practice the skills outlined in the OEC 2020 Refresher workbook during the season or prior to the season as allowed. Completing any additional training is not part of the Cycle A refresher.
You can get complete information about the Refresher on our COVID-19 Updates page.
OEC Instructors
Before an instructor can register or teach an OEC course (or be an IT for a course), they must first complete the OEC 6 Rollout Instructor Training course and the Online Refresher Module and Workbook.
The two online courses are now available by going to NSP.org/Member Resources/Online Learning. In addition, you will need to register in these courses through the NSP.org. Each patrol will be responsible for setting up their own Refresher courses.
Please contact Peter Bayer if you have any questions.