Open Positions
CT Region Positions
Election Committee Member
Have you ever wanted to support the future of the Connecticut Region by ensuring the integrity of the election process for our leadership but didn’t know how to go about it?
We are seeking a volunteer who would like to get involved in the election process and support the election for Region Director, Alternate Region Director, and Region Section chiefs.
The committee is not very demanding at all, but plays a vital role especially with the upcoming RD and ARD elections this year. To join the committee you must be an Active member of the region which is defined as a Member with a NSP registration number reflecting primary membership in a patrol within the Connecticut Region, including Alumni members but, excluding Medical Associates, Candidates, and Professional Division Members.
Please reach out to me if you are interested in joining the committee today!
Dan Miller
CT Region Election Committee Chairman
CT Region Historian
The CT Region has a rich history that we need to appreciate and preserve for current and future patrollers. Are you interested in researching and curating records of our history before this is lost forever? We're not just looking for facts (which is important) but we're looking for stories, photos, videos -- anything relating to our region's history.
If you think you might be interested, contact Skip Mudge.
Lakeridge Patrol Director
Randy McKee is looking to step down as the Lakeridge Patrol Director after the 2024-25 season. If you might be interested in this position, or know of someone who might be interested, please contact Randy ( or 860-435-4647). He can tell you about the position and the hiring process.
Paid Patroller Position: Pahquioque
Pahquioque Ski Patrol (Thunder Ridge Ski Area, Patterson, NY) has an opening for a full-time, paid patroller. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Jim Tully, Pahquioque Ski Patrol Director at 845-519-8677 ( You can also contact Human Resources directly:
Kathy McGrath
Thunder Ridge Ski Area
845-878-4100 x358
CT Region Assistant Awards Advisor
Learn how to successfully write awards.
Gather data to support Eastern Division Patroller Achievement Awards.
Assist Patrols with identifying recipients and writing awards.
Assist Patrols with gathering data for Outstanding Awards
If interested, be mentored over time toward taking over the Awards Advisor position.
If you think you might be interested contact Rick Knight 203-631-4936
Eastern Division Positions
Check back here for more Eastern Division opportunities. Program Supervisors are continually being promoted or simply term out (after six years for most positions).​
Posted January 19, 2023
Assistant Treasurer Announced
I am very pleased to announce that Liz Fenner has just accepted a new position as the Eastern Division Assistant Treasurer. Dallas Coffman, Eastern Division Treasurer has been looking for an Assistant Treasurer for quite some time. When discussions began at the Eastern Division board meeting last spring, he stated that his first choice would be one of our 15 region treasurers. He continued on saying that one name came to mind, the CT Region Treasurer, Liz Fenner. A formal search committee was formed and an extensive search ensued.
Many candidates were carefully considered by the division’s Finance Committee (to whom our Treasurer reports). Her qualifications and Finance Committee’s endorsement were presented to ED Board of Directors and she was unanimously approved to be the Eastern Division’s first Assistant Treasurer.
Liz will continue to serve as our CT Region Treasurer.
Please congratulate Liz on this important appointment.
Posted August 26, 2022
Whiteface Seeking Patrol Director