Senior Program
Are you ready to take the next step? The Senior Program is designed to challenge you in an enjoyable way and add to your skills as a patroller.
Let's get started
The Senior Program first requires you to get your Patrol Director's approval. He/She will attest that you are a member of the patrol in good standing and that participating in the program is the right next step. You should have strong OEC and OET skills. His or her signature on the Senior application is the first step.
The next step is to contact the Senior Program Coordinator who will help guide you though the process.
There are three Senior Classifications: Senior Patroller, Senior Alpine Patroller and Senior Nordic Patroller.
Senior Patroller
This is for a patroller who will be primarily in the aid room. As such, this patroller must successfully complete OEC Module of the Senior Program, Aid Room Management Module, plus four Senior electives (see below).
Senior Alpine Patroller
The core components of this program are: OEC Module of the Senior Program, Alpine Toboggan Handling, Alpine Skiing or Snowboarding, plus three Senior electives (see below).
Senior Nordic/Backcountry Patroller
The core components of this program are: OEC Module of the Senior Program, Toboggan Construction and Handling, Nordic/Backcountry Skiing and Endurance,Mountain Travel and Rescue 2, plus two Senior electives (see below).
Program Clinic Dates
For dates of upcoming program clinics, visit the program page on this website (e.g., OEC, OET, etc.) as well as the region calendar.
Senior Electives
This list may change as new educational programs are created. At this time, per the NSP Policies and Procedures (P&P), these are the courses that are approved as Senior electives.
A minimum of two of your electives must be NSP courses.
Education Courses
Instructor Development
MTR Fundamentals or MTR1
MTR 2 (required for Senior Nordic/Backcountry candidates)
Level 1 Avalanche Module 1
Level 1 Avalanche Module 2
Level 1 Avalanche Module 3
Level 2 Avalanche for Rescue Personnel
National Avalanche School didactic sessions
National Avalanche School field sessions
Snowsports Enhancement Seminar
Ski Trainer's Workshop
OEC Enhancement Seminar (two modules = one Senior elective)
ICS 100, 200 and 700 (all three modules = one Senior elective)
Leadership Courses
Patroller Enrichment Seminar
NSP leadership module
NSP instructor status (any discipline)
NSP instructor trainer appointment (any discipline)
PSIA or AASI Certified Level II or higher
BLS CPR instructor or instructor trainer certification (AHA,ARC, NSC, ASHI, MFA)
Full details of the Senior Program can be found in NSP P&P, Appendix G: Skills Development Program. As the P&P is frequently updated, it is best to download the current revision from Resources/Governance.
Another resource to learn more about the Senior Program is the Eastern Division Senior Program page here.
OEC Module of the Senior Program
The OEC Module of the Senior Program focuses on leadership, problem management and decision-making, utilizing the standards in the current OEC manual. Senior certification is a recognition of having successfully completed this leadership course and is not a higher standard of OEC skills. The attainment of these skills promotes confidence in managing more complex first aid scenarios involving multiple injuries and patients.
Training is completed in the outdoor environment on snow, and involves participating in scenarios as a leader and helper. Instructors who are Senior OEC Trainer/Evaluators (TEs) select the scenarios for training and provide feedback during training sessions. The scenarios are developed by NSP to cover all aspects of Outdoor Emergency Care and are of greater complexity than the initial OEC training scenarios.
Senior Candidates are required to successfully lead at least four scenario problems during the training sessions. Candidates are also required to develop written treatment plans for two scenarios from the Patroller's Manual and write an original Senior-level scenario.
The final evaluation for the OEC module is given at the conclusion of the course. This is conducted on the snow and on typical mountain terrain.
The best part of the program is the confidence you gain simply by participating, but moreover, the lifelong friendships you forge as you participate in a challenging program.
Pre-requisite: You must be a current patroller in good standing with your Patrol Director's endorsement.
2024 Enhancement Clinics
Sunday, Sept 29; 0900 - 1300; Ski Sundown. Register through the LMS:
Course name: "OEC Enhancement 1 - Lower Extremities - Connecticut Region (@ Ski Sundown)"
Sunday, Oct 6; 0900 - 1300; location TBD. Register through the LMS​
Course name: "OEC Enhancement 2 - Upper Extremities - Connecticut Region (location TBD)"
Any questions, please contact Neil Glagovich (
2023-24 Season Senior OEC Clinics
Orientation Sun Aug 25,1800 at Yalesville Little League Clubhouse
Clinic 1: Sun Nov 10, 0900 - 1530, Ski Sundown
Clinic 2: Tue Dec 10, 1800 - 2130, Mt. Southington -- meet in patrol room
Clinic 3: Sun Dec 15, 1800 - 2130, Mt. Southington
Clinic 4: Sun Jan 5, 0900 - 1530, location TBD
Clinic 5: Sat Jan 11, 0900 - 1530, location TBD
Clinic 6: Sun Jan 26, 0900-1530, Mt. Southington
Final Evals: Sun Feb 2 at Mt. Southington
More information is available at the NSP Eastern Region Website
For guidance in administering OEC Courses during the COVID-19 Pandemic:
OEC Course Delivery during the COVID-19 Pandemic

OET Module of the Senior Program
This program is all about having fun and building your confidence in becoming a better skier or rider. It is designed for those who are looking to expand their experiences and refine their skiing and riding skills in all terrain. Most of these clinics are held outside of the CT Region--New York, Massachusetts and Southern Vermont.
2024-25 Senior OET Schedule (dates are tentative and location TBD)
Sunday, January 5; Ski Sundown
Sunday, January 19; TBD
Sunday, February 2: Catamount/Bromley
Sunday, February 16: Catamount/Bromley
Sunday, March 2: Pre-test, Catamount
Sunday, March 9: Evaluation, Catamount​

Off to a great start to the Senior OET Program for 2023. January 8, 2023, Ski Sundown. Pictured at the top of Gunbarrel (left to right): Paul Katz, John Henry, Jeff Barter, Neil Glagovich, Sherri Cormier, Aengus Repeta, Cally Regan, Leianna Dolce, Justin Regan
OEC TEs: We will hold a TE recertification clinic for current TEs this fall, details to be determined.
Prospective TEs: Please stand by for further information regarding initial training clinics.